Setting Up Your Node Status Page

This is one of the easiest things you can do on IRLP and lets the rest of the world know some key information about your node!!

First you need to visit and there you will find instructions on how to update the status page information.

If your node is active and confirmed operational, you can update your node information directly. This is performed by opening the webpage from the node itself, or from a computer behind the same router.

You will require the following info to update the page: • Node ID number (should be supplied by installer)

• Node Callsign (repeater/remote base callsign)

• Node owner contact information (name, callsign, email)

• Node Town/ City, State/ Province, and Country

• Node install date

• Node information

• Callsign of repeater or simplex node

• Lat and Long of repeater or node in DECIMAL format dd.ddddd (not

• Frequency of repeater or simplex node

• Offset of repeater (if applicable)

• PL tone or DCS code (numeric only ie 110. 9)

• Club/Repeater website address (optional)

• There is also a field to provide access information for roamers. We highly encourage node owners who have a non-standard access procedure to provide access code information.